Greensboro Accepting Applications for Historic Preservation Commission Members

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Greensboro Accepting Applications for Historic Preservation Commission Members


The City of Greensboro is accepting applications for volunteers to serve on the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC).

Greensboro’s HPC is a five-member board charged with reviewing and making recommendations related to exterior changes to buildings within the city’s locally designated historic district. The HPC also advocates for the protection of historic buildings and landmarks within the city. Commissioners are appointed by the Greensboro Mayor and City Council and serve three-year terms.  

HPC members must be residents of Greensboro and/or Greene County and should have a strong education or professional background in historic preservation. Interested volunteers commit to attending monthly meetings and yearly trainings.

Greensboro’s locally designated historic district is made up of mostly commercial buildings in the city’s downtown. The district is created by city ordinance and includes the area bounded by North Street, East Street, South Street, and West Street.

“Greensboro’s Historic Preservation Commission plays a key role in the city’s downtown development efforts,” explains Cail Hammons, Greensboro’s community development director. “We hear time and again that visitors love the feeling of authenticity they experience in downtown Greensboro. Maintaining our historic character is a big part of what creates a unique sense of place for people to enjoy.”

The Application for Nomination to the Greensboro Historic Preservation Commission is available online at under the Downtown Development tab or by request to mainstreet [at] ().

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 Media Contact:

 Cail Hammons

chammons [at]

(706) 453-7674